happy hour with hannah heidel! talking all things hormones, healing, spontaneous travel & self love

hey everyone! happy Sunday 🙂 for today’s ‘happy hour’ interview, i spoke with the lovely hannah from @nourisheddgirl. we talked about hormone imbalance, healing to become the best version of yourself and her recent trip to london! i hope you love it as much as we do!! Hey Hannah, welcome to ‘The Happy Hour’! I’veContinueContinue reading “happy hour with hannah heidel! talking all things hormones, healing, spontaneous travel & self love”

happy hour with coral peters! talking all things surfing, san diego & content creating

hey everyone! for today’s ‘happy hour’ interview, i had the pleasure of speaking with coral peters. we discussed so much — including her journey in building up a social media following, swimming with sharks, her passion for surfing and her hometown san diego! there is so much packed into this post, i hope you enjoy!!ContinueContinue reading “happy hour with coral peters! talking all things surfing, san diego & content creating”


hey. i’m daisy, the gal behind the blog; i’m a 17-year-old trainee journalist currently living in manchester, uk. if you’re new here then it’s lovely to have you – if not then welcome back! for as long as i can remember, i’ve found such a comfort in sitting in front of my laptop and justContinueContinue reading “relaunch!”

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